Thursday, May 31, 2007

Entry 3 -- Lord of the Flies

Who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main characters are Ralph, Jack, and Piggy.
I like Piggy, but I don't like Ralph and Jack. The reason for that is because Ralph and Jack were like the leaders of each side, and they fought each other to accomplish their ambitions while Piggy was one of Ralph's friend, and he was killed by Jack because he took the side of Ralph consistently.
Piggy is special because he was the only one with consistent mind. He had made his decision to follow Ralph whatever happens, and that led him to death. Ralph and Jack are special because they were the leaders of each group of kids. Ralph wanted to stay along the beach because he wanted to be saved as soon as possible. He gathered up some kids that had similar thoughts as himself, and became the leader of the kids. He had an ambition. He wanted to be the one who leads the kids for resque, and be admired by the kids. Meanwhile Jack thought differently. He thought he needed to hunt animals and gather food to survive. He gathered up the kids that wanted to join him, and they formed to become gangsters. Jack also was very ambitious. He wanted to bring Ralph down and make him feel ashamed and embarrased in front of the children. As leaders, both Ralph and Jack were extraordinary, but they weren't very good as humans. Many kids, including innocent Simon, have been sacrificed during the fight between Ralph and Jack.
The fight between the two children, Jack and Ralph, remind me of real historical events occured in this world. One event is the Cold War between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Sociallist Republics. The war threats between each country's leaders required much weaponry and money. The ones who suffer from the Cold War were the citizens in each country. The situation was even worse during the World War II. The people who were the main cause for the war were the leaders of the countries including Adolf Hitler, Musolini, and Franklin Roosevelt. Because of those people, many European and American soldiers were perished. The only fault they had were that they were the citizens of their own countries, and because of it, they lost their lives. I think this story tells us that the fight between the leaders can give great damage to the followers.

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